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Today’s go-to tech tools for start-ups

Having the right software in place ahead of a launch should be high on any business leader’s priority list. Abdul Kader Saadi, founder and managing director of Eighty6 Tech, talks us through the tech solutions that will support entrepreneurs in the initial phase of operations and beyond.

In today’s fast-paced, highly competitive digital world, utilizing the right tech tools is vital to the success of any business. Having this software in place is particularly important for start-ups since it will support them in several areas of business, from scaling their operations and collaborating with stakeholders to developing their services.

Development and coding

GitHub is the cornerstone of modern software development. Thanks to version control and code collaboration features, teams can easily track changes, manage code repositories and collaborate seamlessly. When it comes to editing and developing code, Visual Studi Code and JetBrains are two of the best offerings on the market. Both options provide incredible versatility and an extensive library of extensions, making them ideal for various programming languages. Another great tool is Docker, which simplifies the process of packaging and deploying applications in containers, ensuring consistency across a variety of environments and supporting start-ups in scaling their apps. Finally, for start-ups seeking agile project management, Jira and YouTrack are powerful tools that allow teams to plan, track and deliver projects effectively.

Cloud computing and hosting

Cloud infrastructure is undoubtedly the backbone of any start-up. AWS, GCP and Microsoft Azure provide an extensive array of services, including computing power, storage, cloud infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI). For start-ups focused on web applications, Heroku is a fantastic tool to help create easy deployment and scaling of a business’s systems. Thanks to Netlify and Vercel, hosting static websites and web applications has never been easier, with both options offering continuous deployment, serverless architectures and content delivery networks.

Database management

Having the right database is crucial for data-intensive start-ups. MongoDB and PostgreSQL are robust choices for handling unstructured or semi-structured data. When it comes to in-memory data stores and accelerating data retrieval, Redis is ideal for caching frequently accessed data or managing real-time data. Another great option is Firebase, an all-in-one platform for mobile and web application development that offers real-time databases, authentication, analytics, cloud functions and a simplified backend development feature.

Testing and quality assurance

Automated testing is a must to ensure software quality, and fortunately, Selenium and Cypress support various programming languages and browsers. For Java-based start-ups, JUnit and TestNG provide a framework for writing and executing tests, ensuring code reliability and maintainability. APR testing can be complex, but Postman simplifies the process by allowing teams to create, automate and document tests, streamlining the development process.

Continuous integration/continuous deployment

Jenkins and CircleCI provide robust CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated testing, building and deployment for software, helping to ensure an error-free release. For open-source start-ups, Travis CI offers free continuous integration services for projects hosted on platforms like GitHub, ensuring code quality and collaboration. GitLab CI/CD is another fantastic platform that provides built-in version control, helping to streamline the development process and simplify DevOps tasks.

Monitoring and logging

New Relic and Datadog offer comprehensive application performance monitoring, allowing start-ups to quickly identify and resolve issues. ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) provides a powerful, open-source solution for collecting, analyzing and visualizing log data. Sentry and Rollbar help start-ups identify and fix bugs quickly, providing real-time error monitoring, error grouping and detailed insights.

Collaboration and communication

Effective communication is recognized as a crucial tool within any business. Slack offers chat, file-sharing and integrations with other tools, enhancing team communication and ensuring seamless collaboration. For teams looking to stay in touch, then Zoom and Microsoft Teams provide reliable platforms for virtual meetings, conferences and collaboration. If organizing remote teams presents challenges, Trello and Asana can help monitor projects, assign tasks and track progress. Both solutions also offer customizable workflows and intuitive interfaces.

Product analytics and user engagement

Mixpanel and Amplitude provide powerful product analytics, such as user engagement and usage insights. However, for start-ups looking for an all-in-one platform, then Firebase offers robust product analytics and insights for mobile and web app development. Two other fantastic tools are Intercom and Zendesk, which offer customer communication platforms that streamline support and foster customer relationships.

Security and compliance

We all know how critical it is to keep passwords secure. LastPass and 1Password are two password management solutions that offer robust security features to secure data. However, start-ups should also leverage security-focused frameworks and libraries to help keep them protected against common security vulnerabilities. A new business may need tools to ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA or other sector-specific requirements, depending on the industry and location.

Documentation and knowledge-sharing

When it comes to document and knowledge sharing, Confluence and Notion provide engaging and easy-to-use platforms, while Swagger and Postman allow start-ups to create interactive and easily maintainable application programming interface (API) documentation alongside API testing capabilities.

Launching a start-up undoubtedly presents challenges. However, by utilizing the right tech tools, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to build firm foundations for their operations and gain a much-needed edge in a competitive environment that will put them on the road to increasing their market share.

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