Tag : Restaurant

2022 Restaurant Trends: Revealed

Published on 19/07/2023

Over the past two years, the restaurant industry has gone through its toughest challenges yet. From almost no footfall for while to going digital, restaurant owners and food enthusiasts alike have managed..

Solving Restaurant Supply Chain Challenges

Published on 19/07/2023

To run and sustain a successful restaurant business, restaurant owners will need to think out of the box. In a world that's constantly changing, your restaurant supply chain needs t..

Tips To Reduce Food Waste In Restaurants

Published on 19/07/2023

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the direct economic consequences of food wastage amounts to around $750 billion..

St. Patrick’s Day #1 Supplier in the UAE and KSA

Published on 19/07/2023

Eighty6 shop, the procurement platform that offers all the food supplies you need in order to prepare the best St. Patrick's Day menu. As St. Patrick's Day approaches, restaurants across..

Best Chef Recepies

Published on 19/07/2023

As the weather warms up and spring is in full swing, April is a great time for chefs to experiment with fresh, seasonal ingredients and new flavor combinations. Here are some recipe..

Best Foods to Make in the Month of May in the UAE

Published on 19/07/2023

May can be a hot and dry month in the UAE, and it's important to focus on refreshing and light dishes that will help you stay cool and..